

  • 类型:策略塔防
  • 版本:
  • 平台:安卓
  • 语言:中文
  • 更新:2024-08-14 10:09:42
  • 厂商:暂无
相关标签 红色警戒3 策略






二. 单位与体系改动

1. 双攻城体系 由于建筑和单位都有了大小之分,所以加入了独特的双攻城体系,每个阵营现在都拥有一个T2解锁的轻攻城单位和T3解锁的重攻城单位用于针对不同的敌人。




2.截击机体系 喜欢跟风的废物作者也加入了截击机体系。每个阵营拥有截击机,它们面对战斗机时软弱无力,也因为缺乏机动性随时随地都有可能陷入危险,但却是大型飞行器的克星,需要指挥官们根据局势去制造。


3.海战体系 作者将原本的T2制海船只升级为了T3,由一位拼模高手修改了模型并赋予其其他的能力。新增了中间的辅助过渡船只,这些船只并不一定是纯粹的战斗单位,他们也具有独特的能力或者功能性。




















Designation: Anti-Armor Tank

Manufacturer: United Armour

National Origin: United Kingdom

Mass-Produced at: Allied Armor Facility

Key Features:

» 90 mm smoothbore gun

» Spyglass target designator

» Composite armor resists impact

» Rugged split-tread chassis

» Dual-encrypted comm array






» 90mm滑膛炮

» 「小望远镜」式目标指示器

» 可抵抗冲击的复合材料装甲

» 耐用的四履带式底盘结构

» 双联装通讯天线

Faced with Soviet incursions on multiple fronts, Allied nations hurriedly banded together to form a military coalition from the toughest or surviving bits and pieces of representative nations' defense forces. Although the need to form a cohesive military network of course was urgent, certain key elements needed considerable time to be flushed out. After all, despite widespread differences of opinion within the Allied ranks regarding how best to repel the Soviet Union's advancements, everyone was on the same page about at least one thing: The Allies wouldn't get a second chance to keep their nations' sovereignty. So it was with great care (and some trepidation) that Allied War Council made the decision to move forward with plans to double down on production of the MBT-X8 Guardian Tank, mainstay of the Allies' armor divisions, and a crucial component in the free nations' ongoing struggles to keep the U.S.S.R. from expanding its borders any further.



A main battle tank of British origin, the Guardian became the mainstay of Allied forces on the ground worldwide after besting the Grizzly, an American-made design, in field tests across the board. While the Guardian's performance characteristics admittedly did not exceed those of the Grizzly by a wide margin, even a narrow victory was enough to justify switching production lines over to this newer model. After all, the Allied War Council fully expected to have to deploy Guardians in bulk in order to stave off Soviet armor divisions, believed to be the strongest in the world. To that end, the Allied Guardian Tank has proven to be something of an underdog, effectively helping to repel larger Soviet forces while bolstering the combat-effectiveness (if not the morale) of coalition forces caught in the same struggle.


The Guardian boasts an impressive balance of power, durability, and maneuverability and has a molded frame that helps keep production costs down. Its 90 mm main gun can punch through Soviet armor reliably and packs more firepower, though a slightly lower rate of fire, than the Guardian's Soviet counterpart. However, the Guardian's Soviet counterpart was not the Allies' greatest concern, for they needed to be able to contend with an assortment of heavy vehicles. To this end, a relatively heavy platform like the Guardian Tank proved to be a suitable home for a special targeting device that could be used to even the odds against the worst that the Soviets had to offer. Each Guardian Tank now comes standard with a target-designating module, which replaces the exposed machinegun mount found on older models. Designed to complement other Allied weapons platforms, the Spyglass target designator (colloquially called the "target painter") relays targeting information to nearby Allied forces. By automatically interfacing with their weapons systems, the target painter makes other forces more accurate and deadly by compensating for wind direction, visibility, and more than 100 marginal factors--all of which add up. A Guardian Tank is unable to maintain the beam through the recoil of its main gun's firing sequence, so Guardian crews must coordinate well to decide which unit within the column is going to "cast the lure" (as Guardian technicians put it) while the others press the attack.


Casualty rates among Guardian Tank crews are being kept close to the vest by Allied officials, though one might assume the worst given that these forces, well-equipped though they may be, were necessarily used to turn the tide of many losing battles. Now that the Allied forces have eked out a few victories along some European borders, some of the concern is turning to hope, even a bit of bravado on the part of some Guardian Tank crews, who quip that their vehicles ought to have been named differently now that they're occasionally taking the offensive. At any rate, in spite of the inherent dangers, many career military men strive for the honor of serving aboard such a vehicle in the name of the Allies' difficult mission to stabilize the most dangerous countries of the world.


Battlefield reconnaissance has revealed at least these facts about the guardian tank:


Built to last -- The Allies' main battle tank is able to shrug off most small-arms fire and can handily deal with smaller armored vehicles in the Soviet arsenal. Its armor can even withstand several direct hits from the Soviets' bigger and slower elements, although fighting in the vicinity of an Allied Armor Facility and its repair drones is often necessary in order to counter larger numbers of foes.


Armor-piercing power -- Guardian Tanks work well in small groups, as this way they can compensate for their average firing rate while dispatching armored enemies and military facilities quickly and cleanly. Note that because Guardian Tanks are armed only with their smoothbore guns for cost reasons, they are not effective against smaller or faster targets. To this end, a high-priority memorandum regarding Soviet Terror Drones has reportedly been circulating very quickly among Guardian crews.


Target sighted -- The Guardian's Spyglass target designator may not seem like an obvious trade-off given that it cannot be used to damage an enemy vehicle directly, unlike the Guardian's main gun. However, by functionally bolstering the attack power of all other Allied forces trained on the target of the Spyglass, a Guardian Tank crew using this device may prove far more essential to the outcome of the battle.


Beware of air -- Guardian Tank crews rely on anti-air support, for they make prime targets for Soviet combat helicopters. In what some see as an overzealous effort to counteract the Soviets' feared Twinblades, the Allies have begun deploying a variety of powerful anti-air platforms, including its hydrofoils and, of course, the Multigunner IFV.



While debate rages on about who fired the first shots of the war between the Soviet Union and the Allied nations, the Soviet offensives forced the Allies into a defensive posture. The use of Pacekeeper divisions, once used to bring order to war-torn nations, represents this shift. More riot police than regular soldiers, Peacekeeprs are few in number, but boast superior equipment and training in an effort to halt the Soviet expansion.


The program is a result of a collaboration between the United States Army, New York City Police, and select Allied aides and strategists. The resulting divisions were controversial at first. The program called for deploying peacekeeping forces, equipped with gear emphasising protection of civilians and each other, pitting them against Soviet conscripts.


Critics of the program were silenced when Peacekeepers distinguished themselves in battle. Their Legion riot shields and heavy body armor proved effective against small-arms fire, allowing Peacekeepers to hold the line against Soviet attacks, while the Belgian Grummond-8 pump-action shotguns their effectiveness against poorly armored conscripts. The Peacekeepers quickly became the backbone of Allied infantry operations, with training headquarters at Fort Bradley in New York City coordinating field training efforts ever since their adoption.


Peacekeepers remain practically anonymous, in no small part due to the visors obscuring their facial features. The few who were permitted to give interviews demonstrated bravery and modesty in interactions with others. This professionalism translates into upstanding battlefield conduct and helps Peacekeepers accomplish their many dangerous responsibilities, including evacuating civilians from potential war zones. In fact, Peacekeepers were only authorized to use deadly force against foes such as the conscripts, and the Allies have committed to strictly enforcing this yet never had to. Finally, all Peacekeepers carry a registered organ donor sticker on their ID tags, emphasizing their selfless dedication.




The Peackeepers' shotguns are highly effective against most ground targets, namely infantry, though they are no less effective against enemy structures and light vehicles. However, they lose effectiveness at longer ranges, and so for maximum effectiveness, must be at close range within their targets.


Riot Shield(防爆盾)

By equipping their riot shields, Peacekeepers can greatly increase their armour against all attacks. However, this ability makes them move extremely slowly, and they must holster their weapon to do so. In this state, they can clear enemy garrisoned civilian structures should enter one.



The shotguns of Peacekeepers are most effective up close, and can even knockdown enemy infantry at close range. They also deal splash damage, making them effective against groups of infantry. One tactic when using Peacekeepers is to close in the distance with the enemies using riot shields, and then switch to shotguns to finish them off. However, it should be noted that Peacekeepers move at half the speed in riot shield mode, are much more vulnerable to Explosive type attacks (e.g. Conscript's molotov cocktails), and are extremely vulnerable against attacks from their back.


Their shields can protect them from the melee attacks of attack dogs, war bears, Shinobis, and Imperial warriors, and make them significantly more resistant against sniper type damage, such as Shinobi shurikens and Natasha's sniper rounds.


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