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jock studio

jock studio

  • 类型:体育竞速
  • 版本:v01.28.03
  • 平台:安卓
  • 语言:中文
  • 更新:2024-08-15 14:12:37
  • 厂商:暂无
相关标签 jock studio 棒球游戏

jock studio是一款体育竞技类游戏。拥有多个可攻略角色,每个角色都有独特的外观和故事。包含多种球类运动,如排球、篮球等,提供丰富的比赛场地和多样的比赛内容。采用了汉化版本,方便玩家理解游戏玩法。具有高度的自由度,可以随意组建自己的团队,还能自定义设置语言。人物形象采用卡通风格,设计细腻,游戏背景也较为漂亮。


jock studio试玩介绍



⚠️重要通知 ⚠️ 请注意,安卓和Linux目前仅有试玩版,我们团队仍然在考虑将游戏发布于安卓和Linux上的可行性,这与众筹活动期间解锁的额外特性有关。如果这两个版本的均可发布,我们会通知大家!





Lots of love,

jock studio剧情介绍

上过大学的人都知道,尤其是对于大一新生们来说,开学迎新周将有助于他们适应大学环境,憧憬未来几年的大学生活,Jock Studio试玩版2.0将基于此为起点。虽然试玩版1.0仅让大家与各位体育生们见面并初步了解了他们,试玩版2.0则会有在众筹活动中解锁的许多全新内容,将Jock Studio由视觉小说转变为成熟的约会模拟!试玩版 2.0将为玩家提供内容丰富的一周的可玩游戏时长!

Most who have been to college will know that, for freshman especially, an orientation week helps get them settled and understanding exactly what to expect for the next few years of their college life. Jock Studio Demo 2.0 does just that too – while Demo 1.0 focused on meeting the cast and knowing the starting points of their stories, Demo 2.0 will instead focus on many of the brand-new mechanics unlocked from the Kickstarter Campaign, transforming Jock Studio from a visual novel into a full-blown Dating Sim! Demo 2.0 will be providing players with one (1) playable week worth of gameplay, chock full of content!


And for those of you wondering, the storyline present in Demo 2.0 (and Demo 1.0) is mostly exclusive to the Demo, but some scenarios and scenes may be re-used in the full base game!


SPOILER WARNING: For those who want to experience Demo 2.0 raw, with surprises in every corner – this update may not be for you!


All that being said, let's dive into the Demo 2.0 Contents!


Recap and Meet the Cast (Again!)

Jock Studio试玩版2.0将从Ace和所有体育生们已是Jock Studio的演员之一的剧情出发。每位角色的加入工作室的方式将在完整游戏中揭晓,但我们想确保所有角色在此次试玩版中能够与Ace互动!第一天花点时间规划你的一周,也许我们可以提前了解每位体育生的未来~

Jock Studio Demo 2.0 will start with Ace and all of the Jocks already a part of Jock Studio – while how each character joins will be revealed in the full base game, we wanted to make sure all characters are here and ready to mingle with Ace! Spend this first day planning out your week, and maybe getting a little teaser of what's to come with each of the Jocks~

除了体育生们以外,这一次将会与一个全新的角色进行互动,好用且乐于助人的助手,I.O.!I.O.将成为你在游玩试玩版2.0的引导人,教您Jock Studio中的各种机制和玩法,一定要注意他的课程哦!

In addition to the Jocks, get your first chance to interact with a brand-new character, your handy and helpful assistant, I.O.! I.O. will be your guide for Demo 2.0, teaching you how the various mechanics and systems throughout Jock Studio work, so be sure to pay attention to his lessons!


The Oracle Device (and Apps)


Speaking of I.O., he's not the only built-in feature of your phone to help you throughout your gameplay! Explore the various apps that are part of Ace's Oracle Device as part of Demo 2.0, including Calendar, Academia, Health, Contacts, Vault, and Settings!


There will be more apps in the future, too, but those will be revealed and playable later, in the full base game!


Time to Get Sweaty… and Wet!

准备出汗并开始你的第一次锻炼!为所有体育生们分配训练,以提升他们的表演属性,并且玩一个迷你游戏来测试你的体能!每项训练都会提升一个特定属性——迷你游戏中的技能,以及额外分数功能,都会增加你最终获得的属性!对迷你游戏不感兴趣?你可以跳过整个迷你游戏,但只能获得默认的分数!查看下面的迷你游戏预览,或点击此处查看我们几个月前发布的关于「锻炼时间」的完整开发日记(#08)![附注:Jock Studio开发日志#08过几天就发出来,到时候这里也会有个链接]

Get ready to get sweaty and start your very first workout activity! Assign workouts for all of the Jocks to build up their performance stats, and play a minigame yourself to test your physical prowess! Each workout grants a specific performance stat – and your skill in the minigame, as well as extra, bonus features, may increase your total stats gained! And for those who don't want to play, you can also skip the entire minigame and still gain the default stat scores! You can check out a preview of the minigame below, or click here for our full Development Diary on the workout phase, released a few months ago!


Jock Studio试玩版2.0内容前瞻——「锻炼时间」




After the workout, hit the showers – and you know what they say, group showers are great for teambuilding~


Unleash your Inner Explorer!


Next up, Demo 2.0 lets you fully take charge of Ace and explore the campus to your heart's content! Wander throughout the beautifully hand-drawn locations and explore using the Campus Map System as well as the Action Interface, but be sure to carefully manager your Energy! You don't want to accidentally end the day early!


Each location is host to different activities for Ace to participate in, and who knows who you might find at each one? Make sure to explore everywhere, or you could miss a special scene!


Not only that, but get your first taste of another Kickstarter goal, the Money and Item system! Spend some cash on some items to help you throughout your gameplay, and gain access to your inventory to use them!



Strike a Pose!


Demo 2.0 also introduces a brand-new mechanic, not yet revealed: the Photoshoot Phase! While the Workout Phase builds up your Stamina, Power and Resistance, the Photoshoot Phase is where you work on your Charm, Libido and Skill! Get behind the camera and choose your photoshoot location, as well as costumes for the characters, before snapping some sexy pics!


Jock Studio试玩版2.0内容前瞻——「拍摄时间」




Your choices matter in this minigame – the stage and outfits you select determine which stats you'll gain, and that's not all – just like in the workout phase, your skill in the minigame, as well as extra bonus features, will determine just how many stats you receive! But don't worry – if you aren't a fan of minigames, you can still skip this one, just like the workout phase!


We'll have a Development Diary going into more details about the Photoshoot Minigame later, so please stay tuned for more details! In the meantime, let's head to what's next!


Jocks, Camera, Action!

现在正是大家一直所期待的,也是Jock Studio电影俱乐部存在的主要原因——拍摄日!和Ace一起参加他的第一部电影,但他会选择谁作为他的搭档呢?这完全取决于你!

Now this is what you've all been waiting for, and the main reason the Jock Studio Club even exists – Filming Day! Join Ace as he partakes in his very first film, but who will he choose as his partner? That's up to you!


As you can see, no matter who you choose, things are sure to get spicy on the casting couch~ The Filming Phase is where you finally get to use all of your performance stats you've been building up, so make sure that whatever film you choose, you get the perfect score – and don't worry, this phase doesn't have timers – we want everyone to be able to enjoy it as much as possible!


We'll have a full development diary on the Filming Phase later this year as well, so please stay tuned for more information!


Closing Word


That's a wrap for what's inside Demo 2.0 – and please know as well that everything shown above is just scratching the surface, there's so much content that we're sure you'll all be replaying it many times! Our team has been working extremely hard on Demo 2.0, and we can't wait to release it to everyone and let everyone get their hands on all our new mechanics and features!

正如我们上次更新(Jock Studio一周年特别开发日志)中提到的,Jock Studio试玩版2.0将于2024年底发布,请继续关注未来几个月的更具体更新信息!

As mentioned in our last update, Demo 2.0 is releasing in Late 2024, so please stay tuned for more specific release info in the coming months!


That's all for this development update, Olympians, but we want to thank everyone again for a wonderful first year since our Kickstarter launch – none of this would be possible without all of your love and support, and we hope to continue bringing you exciting news up until the game's release!


Our team will be taking a scheduled leave during part of September 2024, and as such, our next Development Update will be at the end of September, 2024, so please stay tuned until then!

jock studio招募角色

首先要告诉大家的是,Jock Studio的招募阶段正式结束了!感谢申请了配音演员、作曲、网站管理职位的各位——你们应该都收到过相关职位的邮件了!



JockStudio汉化版 1.0.3 安卓版

关于新角色,我们最初公布的一批已经有所暗示了,现在我们准备公布Jock Studio部分配角的设计图!这些角色都非可攻略角色,但也会在故事中充当重要作用!

首先,Matt Carter,大一新生、田径俱乐部成员!Matt是Ace最好的朋友,两人在上大学前就十分要好——事实上,他是Ace选择奥林匹斯大学的一大原因!Matt在Ace的故事中相当重要,之后大家也可以期待更多关于他的细节!

第二位,Jacques Laurent,大学中神秘的电影俱乐部创始人!Jacques和Ace一起负责所有拍摄工作,虽然他不是运动员,但是他有很多其他方面的天赋和技能会在故事中发光发热。


1.自由度高:在Jock Studio中,玩家们可以自由选择人物、组建球队、搭配装备,甚至可以自定义比赛规则和场景。这种高度的自由度使得游戏更具个性化和可玩性。




Jock Studio游戏优势:

1.操作简单易上手:Jock Studio官方汉化版的操作界面简洁明了,玩家可以迅速掌握游戏的基本操作。同时,游戏还提供了详细的教程和指引,帮助新手玩家快速融入游戏世界。



4.跨平台兼容性好:Jock Studio官方汉化版支持多种设备和平台,无论是手机、平板还是电脑,都能流畅运行游戏。这种良好的跨平台兼容性使得更多玩家能够享受到游戏的乐趣。

  • 厂商:暂无
  • 包名:jp.cloverlab.yurudora
  • 版本:v01.28.03
  • MD5值:1ac0eab9d459feb41c4e3dae1841a5f8
  • jock studio
  • jock studio